The Company
ADONTEC® is a leading provider of serial data communications components. Since 1993, ADONTEC products have helped thousands of professionals worldwide easily solve complex communications tasks.
Catalog (ca. 1MB PDF file)
Terms & Condition of Sale
For product queries or to order you can eMail or call us at +49 7043 900020 (9:00 to 16:00 CET).
Please understand that we are selling only to business customers and goverment. (Terms of Delivery)
Legal Name and Address
ADONTEC® Computer Systems GmbH Hoelderlinstr. 32 Maulbronn 75433 Germany
Phone: +49 7043 900020
Established: 1993
Registered:HRB 511032 (Mannheim)
Registered office:Maulbronn
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.:DE31062112 (B2B)
Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ing. Kiriakos Georgiadis